on saying yes to life

02.28.24back& forth

life is good, and new and different

it feels wildly strange that february will be over soon, leap day tomorrow, and then soon we spring forward and the sun will set later and ahhh, march is always a welcome sight

writing to remember, because where does the time even go
sinusitis in february is the bleakest. was miserably sick, but at least not contagious, but didn't know that for several days of covid testing, missing events, talking to people on the phone that i still haven't met after eleven years instead of having dinner with them, but, i'm glad we didn't get anyone sick, especially my MIL who was going to be traveling. maybe i am getting this cold thing people get, i thought. nope.
we had tickets to dar and i knew i'd regret doing nothing but felt so awful so i got showered, got dressed, and just couldn't do it, not even standing for thirty minutes felt doable (i respond so quickly to antibiotics but it also takes it out of you). so dan found an amazing quality dar concert on youtube and we watched the leaves change in the background, heard all her stories, put on all the twinkle lights, put our phones away, and just enjoyed the music. the perfect way to honor the intended evening without driving hours in the rain and trying to be in a room of crowded standing people.

went to game nights, to superbowl parties, made acquaintances and friends, planned the layout of one apartment, realized it just wasn't quite right, obsessively checked on other buildings we'd seen, found some nice ones, tried to decide between them while still in a fog, having to deal with carriage issues, then reading a crazy long lease, trying to decide, deciding officially no on the other building, officially yes to this building, picking the apartment, then being expected to sign a lease in two hours (absolutely not), anxiety/grief/exhaustion, realizing we have been in our place for almost ten years, being the good kind of karen (advocacy barbie) and speaking to the manager and getting it sorted, signing our lease, executing it, leaving at 9pm to drive til 1am to go to the cabin in the woods with a creek in a maple syrup forest. whew! emotional rollercoaster. being a team. remembering that we make our own fun, we stop for biscuits and gas, the road trip playlist is locked and loaded, i love a long drive, a country road, i am not scared of the dark or the night.

we had the best time in highland county, it reminded me of the georgia mountains, the creek, creek the dog, snowing while we were in the spa, just a perfect weekend after a long week of decisions to Be Somewhere Else but still be ourselves. love.

what else? side quests investigating what is and is not a scam (the lawyer never leaves, see also, looking at absurd lease provisions), having a million tabs open at all times, wearing sunscreen even in the winter, having fun on my little bird app, going to trivia and getting the entire music category correct (purrr), enjoying the now while also preparing for the future, watching 'for all mankind' which is amazing, making a lot of concert plans and also trying to not buy tickets to everything as a stress response, ha.

lost my mind for a minute and tried to move my couch, breaking it and throwing my back out, so i've spent the last day and half in bed with alternating anti-inflammatories, heat, ice, rest. thrilling.

it's been a good month. to new adventures, to moving, to new chapters.

archive. profile. notes. random.