
01.21.02back& forth

weekend i:

played hardxcore waterpolo&

& didnt let certain things {like gettting punched in the face} go unnoticed. lets just say i have really long legs that kick really hard.

& {re}connected with an old friend. with who i talked to for four hours. straight. among other things.

& listened to vocabulary tapes {the word hotel! & forgive {some of} my spelling here: argot, scurrolous, plethera, melieu, inchoate, charletin, aphorism, troglodidic, pontificate, pariah, megolomania, sedulous {she said to us if you want to succeed in my class, you'll have to be sedulous {!!}}}

& ate two old fashioned donuts and orange juice

& used a bagel slicer!

& listened to lots of madonna and rap and mainstream music on the long car rides

& woke up early and did my spanish homework

& read some of hemingways' in our time

& listned to my 'so fucking angry' mix cd for the first time. when i wasnt angry at all

& woke up screaming WHYYYYYYY late at night

& pulled the covers closer at the exact same moment she did

& wore flipflops and redblackandwhite like crazy. <3

& adjusted to myself


& ate dinner at chili's and talked about things with people, like boys, classes, life.

& smiled

& scored a goal. i had forgotten about that. and asisted another one

& set for four entire games

& took care of myself

& kept hydrated

& thanked him for the opportunity. to shoot a 4m. {go ahead, ask me what that is}

archive. profile. notes. random.