you might think this is easy for me

02.04.02back& forth

i went to the library in school upstairs by the big windows with lots of green trees and slants of light. i checked out the last salinger i have left to read (lift high somethingsomething and an introduction to seymour, which i CANT WAIT TO READ!!}, the bell jar, and on the road. you know who you are, i thought of you / am thinking of you. they are all stacked up in my locked along over my binders and below the great gatsby, and some other books i have to read for school.

hey. last night, i read something that made sense. & some good things to remember: gaelle always waits for me after AP to go to lunch with me. she invited me to her party. she tells me things. i like that. she's nice. i like nice girls. like nicole. and nicki {who would have thought}. normally, i don't like girls at all. they {we} can be so catty and bitchy and generally not-very-nice. so here's what made sense/made me think:

"I will always have the ideal set of friends as long as I accept the fact that not everyone I think should be my friend will be. That's the important part that will free you from feeling bad when you're not feeling accepted by certain people."
(page 20, don't sweat the small stuff for teens, "check out these odds! (the likelihood that everyone will like you) ps- tell me if you want to hear more & i'll type it up. it's good. there is a neat part about us all being in the same boat & other stuff that kind of made me smile & think of you & you}

archive. profile. notes. random.