
02.14.02back& forth

i smiled. a completely platonic friend sent me a flower. i carried it around, and then, with {himxtheboy} watching, i tore it up valentines day style. slowly, he loves me, he loves me not {soundlessly}. when i got to the end, he said 'he loves you not' and i said nothing. it looked like laura and ashley bedspread. in pieces, folded it in a napkin, i drew on C on it and stuck a pencil through the napkin. and smiled at him. he walked out of class and waved goodbye. polite, acknowledging his departure from me.

im listening to THE IMPOSSIBLES loudly. it has been a good day. he asked me how my day was and smiled at me {annoyed, as he's called it before} when i started mumbling {saying something quickly and then not acknowledging its departure from ones lips}, like he does.

hey. its been a good day. a girl i loved brought me jellybeans and made me smile.

im not making love to anyone's wishes. cause when im dead and lowered down in my grave, thats going to be the only thing left of me.

im wearing a snoopy shirt. word.

archive. profile. notes. random.