you + me + them = the past

02.24.02back& forth

im on my dad's computer, and i found this in my aim profile (i dont really understand why i can only see the profile on this computer, bc i have aim on mine and its a dif. profile....)


what i loved about this year:

my good classes, road trips to waterpolo games, 9th period freeeee, everyone in dr. d's class (cause we love it so much, right guys.."what the hell are hanging paragraphs," "scatalogical" lol..), team dinners, galapagos in biology, ankle injuries in the training room, car rides with mary, being but "not looking like a dave fan," and throwing paper on the floor in math, carpool chatter, "traveling" on outward bound (and songs at 2am), doing nothing while "grading" with paul in s and d, and suprises..


archive. profile. notes. random.