interested (hahahaha)

03.11.02back& forth

on march tenth someone asked me what my interests were. in about four minutes, i typed this:

my interests. hm. i have a passion for knowledge. learning, not memorizing. things like geometry and music and reading and writing and things that make me think, force me to go "outside the box". the place i feel most at home is in panama, in the waves, on my beach. i breathe varsity waterpolo practice. i like houses and the beach and hammocks. excersise, feeling fit, swimming laps and laps and laps. playing three waterpolo games, back to back. i love road trips and chocolate chip cookie dough and laughing so hard my stomach hurts. air conditioning and sitting outside and canoeing so much my arms feel like theyre going to fall off (five days of outward bound). making mix cds and listening to them in the library. reading and watching slants of light and always writing things in my head. i love surprises and bowling and miss60 jeans. classic silver jewelry and flipflops. soffee shorts and pan tostado & cafe con leche on cold mornings in the keys. AOL and diaryland and making things. index cards and PHOTOGRAPHY, especially in black and white. black and white checkered tiles and deep seated sofas and down comforters. collages and colleges. film and politics. calenders and phone directories and cell phones. the internet. woods with no mosquitos. europe and traveling and panama and ecuador and colorado and scrapbooking and memories. mechanical pencils and cruise ships and bongos (animal). palenque and punta barco and las guias and san blas. my family. latin dancing around, making up salsa dances and dancing around to anything. jumping around and play football. smoothies and cinnamon rolls and film. clothes warm from the drier and letters in the mail and anything handwritten. art. art history. history. creativity. art galleries. seeing my work published. being organized and getting sleep. 5 am morning waterpolo practices and laying in rooms watching movies with friends. watching peope really smile - none of that fake shit. smile or don't. people who don't bullshit their lives. late night reruns of friends and cheers. long bus rides. olive garden trips w/waterpolo and salad from bev's. sun juice smoothies. feeling included and content and independent and downloading great new music.


its two days later. i wrote a lot. i do that. a lot.

you're neat. thanks for asking & making me think. xo.

archive. profile. notes. random.