remove the hypocrisy

03.12.02back& forth

when i say im tired of you, i mean im tired of myself. im sick of looking at myself, seeing any kind of reflection of myself. you dont know me. you see me when im smiling and bubbly and spazzing out about tests and laughing and relaxing and jumping around and singing and feeling great. play waterpolo and studying like there's no tomorrow. you never see me or my thoughts when im not in the image you want me to be. youve never seen me cry, except the once or twice i year i let my eyes cloud with tears after being punched in the face slash kicked in the chest (waterpolo hurts, dears). and while im gulping down pool water to stop the tears and the screams from escaping someone asks if im okay. we both bark out 'im fine' 'she's fine' and the moment has passed.

im glad i can keep this from you. you think im always happy. YEAH WE'RE UNGRATEFUL holy books religious men the value of beauty sin

archive. profile. notes. random.