
04.17.02back& forth

i wish we could talk forever. damn interruptions (like walking into paint, moms, things falling on me etc etc)

ha ha fucking hIYAH!

we have to wear jeans for waterpolo practice tomorrow & im super excited.

one, bc it will be fun.

two, because jeans make your knees & elbows not get ripped up when you're exploding upwards out of the pool.

& three, i fit into my jeans from sixth grade. scoreishness at my not having to wear cutoff jeans that i will get yelled at about or my extremelycomfortableandhotandlimnevergettingoutofthem jeans. you'll have that. (becca is a thousand percent cool)

i love this. this=everything. &this is very, very good.

archive. profile. notes. random.