roll with it

05.29.02back& forth

dancing around my living room singing 'this is my end of school dance, hey hey' to beats and claps from my little brother.

a pretty girl invited me to lunch. we had sushi and gelatto and caught up on things; ive missed her. i wonder what prompted this invite -- her mother, herself.. it's unclear. we lunched and shopped and talked and talked and talked. it was really nice -- we had so much fun! there are so many neat things to do this summer, im very excited. it's nice to make plans. plans to eat gelatto and scrapbook and drive to the keys and listen and download music and read books and go to new restaurants and actually live in this city and not merely the connections and paths between the school and the house.

so let's step out of the venn diagram. and what better friend, than one who thinks its extremely COOL that there is a song about proofs & postulates. you know? and he'd probably like it too; we both want to create ap geometry and solve puzzles all day.

<3 i think my body is as restless as my mind, and i dont think if i can roll with it this time. this summer... ah. makes me smile already.

ITS SUMMER AND ITS STILL MAY. this is a new feeling. &mmm mmm mmmmmm i love it.

archive. profile. notes. random.