buy some beach property and watch the world go to hell

07.27.02back& forth

[The summer was a gemstone: shining, brilliant, undiscovered.]

Like we/re six again but we/re sixteen discussing the metaphors from Disney movie: and aren/t you just a diamond in the rough, boy. You/re a little more smooth than round, in a non drunken bar scene like you/re trying to pick me up with your choking air and sweet talk. But here, hope was in the air, a strawberry margarita, the salty sense of urgency like the ocean and summertime expectancy decidedly mixed with the sweet kickback lazy summer days and completely sober (that/s how crazy/sane we are, my dear) karaoke nights. Writing this, talking about alcohol like I know how it feels to be fired for drinking on the job [and of course I don/t]. i/m not in that age group, I don/t fit the mold you/re talking about. Sure i/ve got hopes and dreams, but the difference between me and them, between the thoughts and the actions is just that, the difference.

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