welcome {mia > pty]

08.11.02back& forth

i feel like starting this letter over - telling you about him and the rain and the trip and everything. {trying an infinite task:} trying to knowing where to start begin end write explain encapsulate explicate detail or even begin to form words about what happened to me {no one/s a victim here}, what i was a part of. all these things feelings emotions, these somethings so. wonderful. happened in such a {compared to the past - oh. the. past} short time. and it/s trying to put all the pieces together and be patient through the regressions and struggles.

*--*----mostly, i forget i don/t--**---*
*--**-*-have to define everything-*-**

right now i/m spacing out looking out the window and seeing metal & arrows but mostly clouds & clouds & clouds. wishing i/d never learned you couldn/t sit on clouds or the stratospheres {and you know what i mean}. the clouds look like mattresses, or padded LV bags {the careful connections from the sky to the earth, no. not the earth. the materials. no. the people. maybe. some people. probably, yes. yes.} it would be nice to just kick back and lay down on the clouds (alone.) and that is important.
i have the usual plane headache, but i/m warm and cold drinking iced orange juice, feeling positively elegant.

archive. profile. notes. random.