an excuse to get hurt, and hurt.

10.15.02back& forth

so my heart.s just been so, so sad lately

so been drowing in work that been putting off for too long

so been reading words a lot

so been changing my life, little by little by little

so had to deal with people and situations i didn.t want to

so i talked it out

so i grew up some, procrastinated more than some, stayed up late much

so boyface is impressed with my new slacker skills

so boyface meets me for dinner just to keep me company

so what if i called him

so boyface makes me a cd with a lot of iloveyou songs

so i study hard

so she comes and says hi to me and asks how things are going before she talks to him

so boyface puts his head in her lap one foot away from me

so she runs her fingers through his hair, asks questions about things [i know the answers]

he tells her that that helped, that he feels not so sad.

so she says i love you too

so boyface asks if i listened to said cd a minute after she leaves

so i say what i have to say. tell him yes, and that i love it. because i do and lies are too stressing.

so boyface comes and sits next to me

so i sit through his tech class just because

so we walk by her and she says to him, call me, and i tell him he picks good friends

so is this supposed to end happily? i.m not expecting anything, but they are.

so what am i supposed to do with this?

so. fucking. what.

archive. profile. notes. random.