all i want is to be your harbor

10.25.05back& forth

i can't remember the last thing i wrote in here. it's late at night and i'm listening to a very old song and thinking of last year and a boy who would curl me into his arms, keep me warm, play me piano and let me cry. take pictures of me under trees, come wake me up in the morning, go on adventures with at 5am, eat mexican food on the backporch. be my friend.

i miss some people that were in my life last year. and the song just ended and i need to read the color of water and go to sleep and sometimes things are so good, and then something like a song just hits you and transports you.

it's nice. and i know i'll wake up tomorrow and be back in this world. and it's a good world. that's all i've got for tonight.

archive. profile. notes. random.