upside down

01.30.06back& forth

i'm sitting here outside in my backyard. it's clear and there is breeze. i am listening to upside down. i'll be getting drowsy happy soon. i came outside and sat down. listening to the music. jammin on. smoking some of a blunt. just rolling around with thoughts here. everything simple.

i stand up and take polaroid pictures and get out some sharpies and remember how much i like making art. i wish i was a little more motivated to write letters and send things ,because that'd be fun. the moments i want to send you,. i didn't document. sailing all day with christine and fred, watching the catamarans fly over the horizon, it going from sunshine to rain and all of us soaking wet and laughing. everything like summer, easy laughter, but we are grown up, we are so different now.

i really feel like drawing on all my black and white pictures from photography, and making them poems, writing you letters...

turn this whole thing upside down, turn this whole thing upside down

archive. profile. notes. random.