the comfort of shared understanding

05.20.06back& forth

it's night in miami and we're sitting outside, our tiny world & city around us.

life is just so different these days.

we're laughing and i say, god, that was so long ago. it seems so long ago. don't you just loove how we can rememebr everything about you since your were fourteen?

she says, it's so true. and we're such different people now.


when i come home, i keep the radio off and the windows down. thinking. thinking.

whenever i think about my plans for this year, i start missing my old life. the stone arches. my best friends. grassy sunny days.


they;re saying, god, we hated that place so much.

but i didn't.
but i only remember the good things.
* all writers are liars * summer in the city. "there's nothing like seeing your own history in the faces of your friends"

archive. profile. notes. random.