
06.15.06back& forth

one of my best friends from duke is here!!! ah. so happy.

last night we went to the grove & had dinner at the delicious green street. we walked around & then went back to her hotel on s.beach with her sister & we drank wine & went to mansion & had strawberry daquiri's & danced down the streets & drove around with the windows down on ocean drive & caught up on life stories.

in the car on the way home, all my favorite songs were on the radio & i went over the julia tuttle bridge at night and there is something about the lights of a city at night that always just gets me. our skyline & the ocean & everything.

& one of my favorite boys ever comes home tomorrow.

AND! i am getting paid to live in someone else's house all july. and my family is going to be in europe & our house in georgia then too. and i am going to be in miami, working at the law office, having the tivo all to myself, and a month long party/sleepover of all my friends in town for the summer.

is this a dream?

i'm laughing all the way to the bank.

archive. profile. notes. random.