stuff, things, et al..

01.03.07back& forth

recent events:

from march-august, i was working for an amazing lawyer. we had hundreds of lawsuits that i helped manage, from interviewing clients by myself and helping translate for my boss, to following up with courts and offices for records, drafting subpoenas and doing paralegal work for both plaintiff and defense cases, and basically absolutely loving every single moment of six months of 9-5 work, many days of which i'd stay until 6, 7, 8, because it was so interesting and i loved it so much. so ANYWAYS i was working a suit against cuba, and we just got back the judgment........ for 100 million. amazing. i cried when i heard, just because i am so happy for john and luly and to see something i worked on, a case that i myself literally took to the courthouse to file and serve the papers on fidel, well, it's just incredible.

i got my grades back for fall semester. i exceeded my expectations completely. I made not only the dean's list (gpa above 3.5) but i also made the provost's honor roll (gpa above 3.75)! i am writing this down so i can remember how awesome it feels. it's just great to accomplish any goal, and i achieved mine of having a really really strong academic semester. hollerrrrr. here's what i've been doing these past five months:

Industrial Organizational Psychology:
i absolutely loved this class. the teacher was amazing, i met one of my good friends caitlyn in it, it merged my two interests in psychology and business together. foote was so good at explaining everything clearly, giving us interesting examples, and i felt like this class just flew by everyday. looking forward to having him for biobehavioral statistics. i absolutely murdered these tests, getting 99, 99, and 98 on them. oh, small victories in life.

Business Law
my hands down favorite class this semester. i was so excited about miami's business school, and their legal studies department was the main reason. my teacher, m.segal, is an incredible person and teacher. he writes a column "ask dr. law" in the miami herald and wrote one of the books for our class. i learned about so many new cases, and it was really interesting since it was mainly contract law, whereas at the law office i'd been working with tort cases, so this class gave me an opportunity to learn more. i loved applying the rules of law to the specific cases, and i could feel the adrenaline rushing through me everyday we had our weekly quizzes. hi, my name is katie, and i'm a little ridiculously in love with business law.

Psychology of Personality
i enjoyed this class because it wasn't just an overview of all the personality theories. we went indepth into freud, neo-freudian, and behaviorist theories, from the history and personal life of each founder, to the historical implications. my teacher was really nice, she made it an interesting class to go to. three big tests, killed them, and wrote an extracredit paper on archetypes in superman. this made elena, my suitemate, amazingly happy because she has a sick obsession with all things supe. haha.

Psychology Practicum
this was a really helpful class, in a million ways. ACES, dr. no, meeting the entire staff of the psych dept & getting to know them really well, appreciating psych advising & anna especially, hanging out with cait, meeting/hanging out with my neuroscience library boyfriend, being my favorite perks.

Global Environmental Science & Policy i'm getting tired just thinking about the obscene amount of papers & projects & tests we had in this class. but the point is, global/environmental consciousness is amazing.


other recent events;

georgia, and the hilarious story of my dad & i's adventure weekend on the AT... another time, another time.

christmastime, tis the season........ relaxing day with the family, going to tbuch's at night for a little holiday fiesta. so so good to hang out with people i haven't seen for a while/miss/love very much. he is such a genuine person. there is nothing like returning to a place that's stayed the same and see the ways in which you yourself have altered. thanks n,mandela, you speak the truth.

new years with loves of my life!! champagne toast, 12 grapes for goodluck every month of 07, chan & i bringing our a-game in pong championships, the spins, dancing, catching up with people i hadn't seen for a while, good tiiiiiimes.

christine's abuelita dying. her words to thank me for asking about when the services & everything were going to be, "without you there, i wouldn't have my support system"

seeing adam! awwwwwwww. that boy is solid gold. solid. gold. we always had amazing adventures, conversation, sometimes when you meet people you just -get- them.. he is my gay best friend, i am his boo & lover on the side. i took him, hales & stesh (duke loversssss) out to dinner at green street in the grove, then we went back to south beach and had drinks in the delano & shelbourne, where, when hales was talking about how much more amazing miami is that durham, especially nightlight, and i was saying how i always loved those durham nights & remember it fondly just bc it was always ridiculous like shooters with the mechanical bull & cages & just debauchery/goodtimes/fun! -- basically, a truly unique era -- AND the guy in front of us turned around and was like guys go to duke? yea, so he did too, smallest world, so much fun!

knowing that 2007 is going to be crazy, amazing, beautiful, and full of adventure...

cheers, loves.

archive. profile. notes. random.