send me a letter, a love letter

05.01.08back& forth

so, darling readers, your very darling-est writer has been stricken with a terrible disease. it causes fatigue, fatigue, headaches, a possibly ruptured spleen, and hey, guess what, fatigue! you guessed it kids. apparently i've been kissing too many sweet wholesome boys (or, dirty sexy boys) and somewhere in the middle contracted the lovely kissing disease known as mononucleoisis.

now, having a best friend who is not only a germ-o-phobe and admittedly "pretty OCD" about it, but also works at a lab doing HIV research, made me scared shitless that i would no longer be able to be within ten feet of this person at all times. however, she sat calmly in the waiting room with me as i came back to check on blood results - negative for anemia and thyroid problems - let's celebrate with some industrial strength purell hand sanitizer, courteously dispensed from the wall. no touching involved! i love it. she was the first person i thought of, since not two days before were we out to dinner, drinking lychee martini's, walking around south beach, when i then drank water from a cup (time: 2am, location: lins' apt) which i then thankfully threw out, BUT THEN i actually slept over, which means we were breathing the same air! i wracked my brains - was i sure i threw out the cup, did we share a drink (who am i kidding, linsey wouldn't touch anyone's drink with a ten foot pole)? so i get out of the doctor's office, tell her the good news, and tell her i'm sort of shocked that's she surprisingly sitting next to me. and she says, "honey, i work with HIV all day. i'm not scared of mono."

so there we have it kids. a nice little gift wrapped packaged explanation to while i've been feeling basically like utter and complete shit every single waking moment, most specifically, the moments upon waking when i realize the goddamn headache is back and my alarm is going off and i have way too much to do. but now i get to come home, tell my family i have mono "so they better be nice to me" and smile lovingly, because i have mono, and it can't be helped, and milk this for all it's worth. thank god this happened now and not two months ago, or i think i would have had a coronary, and then linsey REALLY wouldn't have been happy to have me having a freaking heart attack when we're out to dinner (dinner. it's what we do).

anyways, everything just makes sense now. the exhaustion, the increased uncued panic attacks, the irritability (oh sweet jesus, don't you wish you had mono?), and general feeling-like-crap-ness that i've been fighting for weeks, traveling the globe trying to pretend everything's cool and figuring out my future life.

sugar sweet honey bun.
i have one paper and one final and then i am free. free to recover for at least four to six weeks without sharing drinks or making out.

let's just say a list has already been made of people i should make out with variables for how much it would suck for me to make out with them as well as how awesome it would be knowing i gave them mono.

/.:. in summation, i have mono, my friends are awesome and hilariously keep threatening to punch me in the spleen (THANKS, glad i brought that up!), i spent over nine hours at school studying for logic, one hour of which involved taking a management final where i was deemed "resourceful in finding great sources, knowledgeable, stable, dependable and level-headed during group discussions," another hour involved me trying to learn logic conditional proofs and all seven billion rules of inference and replacement, and the other six approximately laughing my face off with either pam, lins, or fred. now i'm off for some blissful sleep. please forgive what didn't make sense in this- i'm not editing. life rules.


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