visions of sugarplums

12.17.08back& forth

now i understand.

a boy in australia playing me jeff buckley. he is so sexy.

sometimes, i just want to be heartbroken, because it means i will have had to be in love with something. someone. i am ready again, i think, to be in love again. we accept the love we think we deserve, right? le sigh.

sometimes, i can't believe i am leaving to miami tomorrow, which means i will have officially survived my first semester of my first year of law school.

and how i've been dying to leave and be done, and now, at the end, i wish i was staying at least a couple more days to party with my friends and drink so much that i am laying on the floor spinning, laughing and falling over words.

also, ani's new album? fucking amazing.

archive. profile. notes. random.