a few small repairs

07.25.12back& forth

breaking a sweat is my mental re-set button. left the cave & feeling deliciously human again.

Vera said: �Why do you feel you have to turn everything into a story?�
So I told her why:
Because if I tell the story, I control the version.
Because if I tell the story, I can make you laugh, and I would rather have you laugh at me than feel sorry for me.
Because if I tell the story, it doesn�t hurt as much.
Because if I tell the story, I can get on with it.
� Nora Ephron, Heartburn

forgetting how old you are when someone asks. lists of things that make you happy. one day after the next until something inside of you breaks and it's time to make a change. since always.

archive. profile. notes. random.