on tps reports

11.12.23back& forth

reading - re-listening to marie kondo while doing my yearly purge & organization
eating - tricolor carrots, homemade apple sauce, thai food with roasted cauliflower
playing - super mario wonder. already done with it, but it was a fun time. the bird game sometimes (wingspan).
obsessing over - being a farmer's market person. it is so much fun and the fruits and vegetables do in fact taste amazing.
recommending - enjoying what you have. tis the season of rampant consumerism and i am tired. unpacking all my holiday things before i buy anything new, before i buy presents.
treating - putting my tree up on my schedule. all the warm and sparkling lights; it sparks joy.

it is also far too hot for mid-november in the mid atlantic. give me thirty degrees, give me snow!! my younger self can't believe how i have changed. proud of that.

archive. profile. notes. random.