
11.25.01back& forth

my happines levels increase by infinities when i remember that my mix tape is in mom's car. i retreive it, put it in, and DE[invective]STRESS. my mom has been on my case the past two days about getting my work done and its so annoying. like i would actually DO it so she would stop bothering. no, that would be too easy. to quote nathan: "hey guess what its fucking working" haha. i just listened to barely breathing; wish you were here (skipped it); take with LOTS of alcohol --hellllooo what the hell am i doing here and my feet are stomping and i am doing my 'im rocking out right now be back soon' moves. AH MUSIC. <3xcore. haha.

ahaha now nelly is playing. lmao. reminds me of carpool & the guys singing the words to rap songs. there are no cute emo boys at my school. or cute anything. alright nelly is being skipped. ahhh more alkaline trio. <3. i feel very priveledged to be the only person at my school to know who they are. at first it was really annoying because i wanted someone to share the love with but nicole said its better off unknown and god forbid my words be any more important than anyone else's. or just mine. or just equal. these days go by like boats and planes :) AH love, love. racing to the west coast shore. here's a put me to sleep song; travis - side. i always forget the songs on this cd but every time i listen to it i love it more & more. "there is no wrong there is no right" the music pounds out of the speakers and i lean back in my chair and type this with my eyes closed.

"life is both a major and a minor key."

archive. profile. notes. random.