
11.30.01back& forth

things that made my day (since my goodthings book has defied the law of conservation of matter and has wasted away due to my lack of effort of writing in it after being online 3 hours a day and leaving various and multiple notes & entries about the same stuff...except it seemed everytime i opened the book all the good things came flowing from me. it made me think more about when people ask "how are you?" to just be honest and realize that in honesty there is retrospection and DAMN i wish i was a part of nanowrimo.):

-ray saying "goodmorning sunshine" this morning. sarcastically but i still loved it
-calling my house & having my dad pick up the phone. & then him telling me my package came! i really couldnt wait to get home. iLOVEmail.
-checking my email at school and seeing many of the zines i love in my mailbox [and getting emails from krys!]
-having a nice day of retrospection
-carpool pulling into food spot to get a spot and my mom pulling in right next to us!
-which consequently meant i got home FASTER :). to get my mail.
-reading my mail
-laughing like crazy in science today. the. weezer didnt get to class until 1/2 the period was over and we were all playing hangman as a class and writing everyone's birthdays down. hannah & rawleigh are fun! i havent laughed like that for a long time --- it felt SO good.
-right now deleting ICQ and restoring all my mp3s.
-listening to mp3s that make me nostalgic (it's still love/hate...)
-finally writing 2/3 my triptych (at school). i kindof lied and said the third part got cut off when i sent it from home. bad me. oh shit i didnt send myself the new draft... oh wait its okay ill be back and school tomorrow ON A SATURDAY for the charity event with the cool name. lucille could definetly stalk me.

archive. profile. notes. random.