
01.28.02back& forth

i just spent two hours talking to xboy ala theboy's bestfriend chris who lives in dc. he thinks jimmy eat world (i did admit they can get annoying), saves the day (hey! i like them), alkaline trio (i was terribly surprised and indignant) suck. but now he is downloading trucks&trains, mr chainsaw, and bloodied up because i say so. & also some other bands. i am downloading puya, ill nino and ratm because he says so.

& i listened to hey mercedes ALL OVER THE PLACE. & thought of you & you & you & you, but mostly you. actually, just you.

somewhere in between, i ate two paper cups of frozen raspberries (no i did not eat the cups) and a handful of dried apricots (californian style, of course), watched five minutes of some metallica shit on mtv & fifteen minutes of rocket power..... i have a dangerous urge to read franny &zooey now. & wait for HIM. cause you will wait for me [the secret stars].

want lessons on how to procrastinate yr time? call 1-8Oo-fUCK-YRSELf-OVER.

kisses. im off to bed.

& HEY. biana asked me SPECIALLY to make a PEEL page. i feel so cool & artsy & kitsch. its anything i want on 11 by 17 paper. i wish i had you and you and you and you here. because you'd be great at it. im going to dig up my photos & writing {suggest things? please?} & maybe do a stream of consciousness because thats random and nice. i hate that i'm worried what other people will think. i'd like to write a salinger-esque letter, like the one in zooey. which i love.

by the end of this week, she says. send lots of comments & things / im easily inspired. that is, if you can ever get me to stop PROCRASTINATING. lara asked me today if i was a 'focused' student. i was like, yeah ish mmhmm and did this little nod thing with my head. she sighed. you're not being focused now {i didnt want to do my busy work precal hw}. just shoot me already. but dont. ya know fucking what? thank you. and that's to be shot up through the stars right to god. {and right now, i couldnt give a shit whether you're offended or a nonbeliever or whatever you fuck you are.} it was never between you and me, anyways. xxo.

archive. profile. notes. random.