
12.09.01back& forth

smoke curls from behind me. he breathes on my neck to make me shudder as he passes by. i smell it everywhere; it is everywhere. i see wandering hands emblazoned with scribbled faces signifying a state of drunkeness i am relieved i am not a part of. i pity these girls. laughing off jeers and waving cigarettes away with seductive come hither stares i watch from the hammock. trying to dance their way to a mindless oblivion. i like to dance salsa and move my hips and laugh at xboys crazy dance moves. the boys arent here and i am curled up, comfortable in my pjamas. he saunters over tripping over himself to kiss me. questions my friends names, who don't believe he actually sits in the same classrooms we do. another one grabs my waist to steady himself; his manners shine through as he kisses us (right). i glance over at my ex best friend. she sees me. she is still the same girl, showing just enough skin, talking to just the right people, to be invited and liked but not involved. i feel kindof proud of her. for her, really.

it has been an interesting night.

archive. profile. notes. random.