12.16.01back& forth

& stop giving me a headache.

you're not very good with first impressions
and you haven't proved yourself wrong.
i am shaking with anger
and you mock me
tell me to watch my attitude
& suddenly indifferent
when i actually learn something from you
{i know, i thought it was impossible too}
i try to explain how i feel
whining for me to speak louder
but your ears are already shut
{i should have known}
when i am calm
you are bitter
dont try to screw me over, honey
i'm just disappointed
and you're not worth the time.

dont read the following.
not worth the paragraph i just wrote {i deleted it}. i've tried to find the good; i still do, even after he has tried to fuck with me & fuck me over. but he's not even close. does he think his blank stares and bitter words can hurt me? i made a shell against that a long time. you can't break me down so stop trying.

archive. profile. notes. random.