
12.17.01back& forth

and he is so cute and nice and quiet. i love it. and when he laughs.... ;) ah. his little smiles and the way he mumbles things only i can hear. i asked about his weekend & he said it was good, didn't study and i said, 'me neither' and he was like what? not conforming to society's standards and then grinned this little grin and i laughed... i was like oookay & told him about my 'study' methods. {my away message this weekend was "conforming to my society's standards....studying. distract me, please. x&o."} so he's, uh, reading my away messages? score. haha. his aim thing is like c932842903457897435894375. yeah yeah. i want to get one of those subprofile things just to see who reads my profile. ve-ry interesting.
ps - my anger has subsided as ive decided im not letting -him- get in the way of things.

archive. profile. notes. random.