go fish

12.19.01back& forth

i ate a bagel that tasted like childhood. it tasted good, just a little distictive. it made me think of the boat and reeling in feelings. i saw the boy again today, and when he walked out, i saw the back of his japan x shirt -it made me smile. just seeing him makes me smile.

--english: i had fun taking it. FUN. there was a massive vocab section but i put them all on cute little cards. yeah. & i used two blue books.
--spanish lit: difficult, but i was prepared. all those hours putting up with mr. annoying paid off. & the lit part was super easy i laughed.
--ap us history:"fucking the world since 1776" quinn i thought of you when i took it. me & linds & a-lex had a little study session at my house last night & i got an essay i liked {analyze the ways slave supporters justified slavery in the 19th centurally - economically, religiously, and legally}. two blue books again. haha. have fun grading dr king. & oh shit i still need to turn in my dbq {documents based question}. um, oops ? ...
--precalc: i pretty much flew through it but i kept getting left with two answers and not knowing the next step. long, boring and painful. i laughed when the cover page has all the slots to fill in the grades and there is already a part called 'adjust' aka a curve. hah, they made the test knowing they'd curve it? .. hm. curves always seem unjust - as in, we're just getting points. for nothing. i wish we could do something like an extra credit project instead of just being given points. but okay, i'll take it.

tomorrow is chem. we get out at 10:30 so we're going to a friends beach on the key to celebrate raquel's birthday. woo. cant wait to lie on the sand and do nothing. xboy will be there {not theboy}, im sure. i know ill probably collapse of exhaustion. & i have a knot in my back thats killing me - how bout i get xboy to get it out? hah. hed probably jump on my back and kill me ala little brother style. cant wait, cant wait.

archive. profile. notes. random.