
12.21.01back& forth

its like i told liex:

love the beach. i was just talking to my mom about whether our house was chaos or comfort.. and i was saying how here it is like the office, the place where we do things and get things done, and the beach is where we relax. i love it when i wake up and see the ocean. or even better when the sun sunshines and it streams in our room and wakes me up and i smell and hear the ocean and run down the little hill that smells like mangoes and spill down the steps and dive in the waves. because life is just so beautiful like that. spilling down the steps is my favorite part, though. i watch the steps carefully and make sure not to step in mango. sometimes i do, just because it feels good in my toes. and ill stand there looking down at the steps ive been down so many times before....

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