
02.10.02back& forth

so much has happened. so many thoughts. so much that can't be insinuated or implicated or all those adjectives that speak of hinting.

im tired, sniffly, and tears wont even pour. they just stick in my eyes. feeling macbeth-ish. twisting my neck and back, but the ice and the advil dont stop the pain {i shuddered at the technology of it all}.

its february something, and i have three more visits for this year. then they cost one hundred and sixty five dollars for me to be able to move. to move without pain.

hey. anyways. viva le hardxfuckingcore waterpolo. thats where i feel comfortable. everything smiled and was shocked. he said i was INCREDIBLE. and jo and meredith and caroline all told me they were really impressed with me.

it was my chance, and i TOOK IT. {felt so, so good}.

archive. profile. notes. random.