
02.11.02back& forth

pieces of plane and black box recorders dont lie, dont lie. things that make me laugh {and here, i take a leap. in saying, whoever you think is talking probably isnt. really, isnt. or about what you think. this is just for me to read over and smile}... "what are you talking abou? she's prude as hell"
"you havent heard the stories ::guffaw::..."
"yeah... STORIES"
"hey, she doesnt sit inside everyday"
"what the hell are you talking about?? she sits with us everyday" {even though i dont lmao :)}
::me looking sideways at andy, genuinely smiling::
"are you still going out with her?"
::funny little movement, clay shaking his head and waving his hands a little::
"no" ::more head shakes::
"oh" ::me turning around:: WEEEEEEE

dont look now, it seems like we're trapped somehow. did i ever how good mariah carey christmas music blasting around makes me feel GREAT? :D &&& my aunt came in from panama! and i have chocolate on my hands {ala macbeth and blood} and am eating a warm cookie and drinking ice cold water. freezing to absolute kelvin, and not moving an inch. CONTENT. dancing around in my chair to mc xmas. youuuuuuu-uuu baby haha.

archive. profile. notes. random.