not deserving any summation

02.24.02back& forth

note: loveyou. thankyouthankyouthankyou for thinking of me. i hope i havent disillusioned you in any way. which is just what i told him when he wrote that i had cancer, didnt i. i dont. and my house is always safe and i am never scared to come home. my arms are always bruised from waterpolo, and when he hit me, i deserved it. my mom says i was being a brat (so, ok) and i said he's and asshole. sometimes i get angry; we all get angry. here's what is left of my anger:

calling me a little girl and asking who the hell i think i am just makes me more confident that i know exactly who the FUCK i am. so thanks for that, asshole. {i roll my eyes and then go in my room and the tears just fall}

you just ruin it for yourself. all the pride i feel in you, which is quite a lot, vanishes. VANISHES. just earlier you were saying how you didnt like my coach, and then you go acting just as immaturely and angrily as he does. way to go, way to fucking be a good example. the fucking apotheosis. you show me you're not worth it.

and its just disappointing.

archive. profile. notes. random.