cant say im not alive

03.03.02back& forth

------>past the mission

� black and white. gold. diamonds. pearls. felt pretty. cultured. like money. 'her voice was full of money' & allusions to seventh century spanish literature

� won seventyfive dollars of engraved stationary

� ate cheesecake <3

� didn't feel like talking very much

� smiled and clapped accordingly

� "and you know you wouldn't want it any other way" -bitch by meredith brooks. "tomorrow i will change and today won't mean a thing" & that's the biggest bullshit i've ever heard.

nothing is perfect. (rinse, repeat). and one more time, people don't change, we change. and with that, i'm going to write my gatsby paper using that quote in my introfuckingduction. i love thesis driven essays. all over the place. however, i dont like it when i cant decipher the lyrics to songs. like allstarme. corn & starches? i think not.

"just when you think you've got me figured out, i'm already changing. i think it's cool you do what you do and DONT TRY TO SAVE ME"
(now that makes sense).

archive. profile. notes. random.