the new way to take up space in writing, neo jd salinger style

03.07.02back& forth

i guess im going to retract what i said before, at least for the time being. because

claywell: hey
claywell: well?
me, smittenxwithhimallovertheplace: im downloading strike anywhere & brandston & modest mouse & kid dynamite etc etc. i havent started math at all. i think we should. id kindof enjoy not failing math.
me: :-)
me: im going to get it now
claywell: alright
me: haha what is yr icon? .....
claywell: mmm....I should change that sometime
claywell: It's a picture that amused me long ago...
claywell: well...days...
me: how appropriate.
me: im listening to 'never ending math equation' by modest mouse
me: okay
claywell: to be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. never stop fighting
claywell: I made that up
claywell: anyway
me: <3
me: you & ee cummings are so hot. where'd you see that?
me: anyway
claywell: let's get down to business
claywell: profile
claywell: yors
claywell: *yours <<<<<<<<<<<< me: i just opened my math binder & saw the -tradegy- of it falling apart
claywell: oh yes
me: where did i put the sheet?
claywell: dunno
me: got it
claywell: good
me: okay. arccos 0
claywell: okay...
claywell: how would you begin such a problem?
me: well. since we know that arcsin is sin to the little -1, we can use our geometric reasoning skills & conclude that arccos is cos to the little -1
me: which is the inverse of cos, or "the angle whose cos is.."
me: 0
claywell: I'm speechless
me: safely conclude *
me: so the angle who cos is 0 is...
me: (remember cos=x/r)
claywell: so how do we go about finding such a thing?
me: we do that thing

& we talked on the phone. & we met the next day. we saw each other in the gallery and on the benches in front of the office. we talked and walked and understood. we sat in the library and did all our homework & his ex-gf walked over just as i was laughing at what he said. ive talked to her once. i was down in the --um. what do we call it. yes, basement of the gym, i guess. series of networks & hallways. i was looking for bryan & asked her if she'd seen him and she advised me to look upstairs bc he has a class & wished me good luck. it was sweet. she was like, "good luck!" in this really sincere voice.

sometimes people surprise me.

archive. profile. notes. random.