tu sonrisa

03.28.02back& forth

i think my road has turned into a jungle. when things happen, there is a fight to get out and get away and find something.

he makes me think like that. me: hey you
him: hey
me: hi
him: what's up?
him: /
him: ?
me: mmm. listening to music = veryveryeverything. (thinking of what to write)
me: //
him: wonderful
me: what is
him: uhhh...your listening to music
me: haha my mp3 thing is on shuffle so im listening to oldschool christmas music haha
me: now its brandston. good.
him: oldschool?
me: allovertheplace! .... like brenda lee blasting out the jingle bell rock
him: ahhh, just in time for passover

archive. profile. notes. random.