city lights disappear - a welcome small town life -;- feeling free to drive with the windows rolled down blasting whatever the hell i feel like <3

04.02.02back& forth

shooting pool balls
driving around
music blasting
seventy miles an hour
while driving seventy miles an hour
wind wrapped in heat
eating lots of gummi bears
swimming against the current
cafe con leche con demasiado azucar
pan planchado
no room in the church (paradigm)
hardxcore mix cds
what if by rx bandits
golf carts and cars
the same clothes for three days: blue and white and black swimsuit top with black soffee shorts rolled twice -- the only bearable way to wear clothes & simultaneosly be able to breathe (remember that sunburn)
easy smiles
siblings //rivalry
going online to see if he is
thinking and dreaming and planning
....dreaming (!)
making books
cubo tubo! :D
'kate shots'
law & order & ER & some realworld clips
listening to the same seven mp3s over & over & over
elbows up on the dock smiling
flying over waves in the boat
cruising around in the sandbar
manny & nissa's (mmmm)

& i'll forget all the harassment & constant pushing & shouting & verbal fucking abuse. it's my spring break, leave me the fuck alone. i will finish my book. the more you push the less motivated i am to do anything.


archive. profile. notes. random.