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04.10.02back& forth

i looked for you.

my name in times new roman in the miami herald. finding out at lunch with him. we talk about soup and crackers and he interjects smiling:

oh. congrats on being in the paper. 2 goals. nice.

& i. just. smiled.

(i came in late, smiling. he was in my seat. i sat in his. new perspective. someone requested dedications & i wrote in one minute: i'm like a bird to gabbi -- just because. (it makes me think of you.) and some ketchup & rice ( :: shudder ::) to chris bc its your fav. &here's to lucille - i'm playing alkaline trio & strike anywhere so loudly my speakers are going to break.

&boy -- here's my seat forever because you're everything - the only thing - worth. looking. forward. to. & its exciting to be in a different place - a unexpected viewpoint & new horizon line. with. you.)

archive. profile. notes. random.