
04.24.02back& forth

today a cute thing happened. i walked out of math & said bye at the stairs & he caught my eye as i walked up. then i went to the library & needed a calc for the math hw i was starting, only so i could talk to him about it. i went over to IMboy &asked for a calc. he said no... ahwait yes. &anthony was like, arent you going to ask me. &i said that ohh its okay he has one. &then IMboy is getting it out & tony's staring straight at me & saying i could be in my seat by now. & then IM's doesnt have batteries & im laughing & asking tony if i could borrow his. & he hesitates & then gets it out, smiling. he asks what math i need it for & i give him a look. no really, he says. precalc i say. bc i have it set for... he says. i'll set it to degree mode. oh, you know how? ok. &then i workwork on it. & go to give it back & hes not there so i rip a little paper &write in my cursive (that is actually pretty ¬ all messy) that ive started writing in, only w/the tinytiny purple pen. & said thanks --katie. & slipped it inside the calc & then he came back & went outside so i went out &gave it to him & there hehehehe was & it was just a circle of everything. &yes, that had no point. but if i had to write about the significance of it, itd be the relationship b/w me & people i barely see.

or, something.

today was a nice day.

archive. profile. notes. random.