
05.13.02back& forth

was locked because of english essay that refused to go through email. you know? youknow. thanks luz. luce. lucy. haha. lucille. in ooother news. cute boy opened his eyes wide at me like usual. it was especially interesting because the look went through dan so he thought it was for him and then he understood and it was funny. HEY lets keep this train of complete superficiality why don't we. mhmm. a really cute senior that was in debate with my last year always waves to me and today we had an hour long conversation about biology {its all about meiosis+mitosis, yo.} and eggs and such. i'm going to think of him everytime i cook eggs. damnstraight. so i thoroughly enjoyed it. i felt pretty today even before i got to school.. all this weekend ive been feeling comfortable in my own skin, which was nice. today was white capris, black polo, black&white belt that seven, count em seven people told me they liked. that was nice. so i left my sneaks at home so i couldn't work out after school, but i went home w/ david & charlie which is always fun -- me=laughing nonstop. i'm now going to be driving them home. mhmmmmmm. wheat thins + frozen raspberries + a free afternoon = love. add the boy to the equation.......mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmm. plus bike riding and conversation and smiles and kisses. just a simple plan.

archive. profile. notes. random.