
05.20.02back& forth

a coolkid. whose not really a kid. you'll have that. kid: whats happening, g?
me: brown hair green eyes pajamas heating pad honey wheat bread tank tops comfortable sheets closed eyes brain spinning quiet smiles passing time with windows open pinks and blues and greengreengreens like grasssss new couches with down feathers and bar stools like parabolas and a boy like hinges smiling too hard at me, telling my my faith has paid off.
me: also, awards ceremony tonight.
me: whats up with you
kid: you are so rad
kid: if i was 7 years younger, id move to fl.
... me: (sixteen plus seven equals twentysomething) &i like it when people say they want to be sixteen again. makes me 'preciate things more.
kid: i doubt you lack the capacity to do so.

archive. profile. notes. random.