accepting it like she does

05.21.02back& forth

i flipped through the yearbook pages and signed cards and watched all the seniors on stage with shiny plaques with all their varsity letters... it was really nice.

on the car ride over i realized how wonderful this year was. how much FUN it was and how much i loved it.

today morgan and i talked about how we didnt feel like it was over and they were really, really g o n e. "d' nile aint just a river in egypt."

jo hugged me so hard and told me she loved me and looked gorgeous and took a million photos with me. merey told me she was so, so, so proud of me.

all today the cute freshman & juniors have been coming up to me and saying congrats & even the LIBRARIAN smiles at me now.

because right now there is this shiny silver and green and mahagony brown object refracting rays of light and the glow from the computer. {{it says unsung hero.}}

archive. profile. notes. random.