cognitive distortions

10.03.02back& forth

....unless he helps me realize that it is not this.

it is irrational! thoughts. where.s the evidence? what is it really telling me? and even though i didn.t like that word, being fit into that little 'box' of thought. i realized. that i am that box. he made me turn around and look at my words. deflated. overwhelmed. and it helped, it helped it helped it helped. especially because we used to play basketball and i.d sit under the desk and color. remember that, little me? so things i learned. "homework" i come out and laugh with mom. more?! and it.s smiles all around. listen up, me. no more of this all or nothing thinking, over generalizations; catastrophizing and minimizations. emotional reasoning, should haves, guilt, disqualifying the positive, jumping to conclusions, trying to mindread... the list goes on. remind me to type that up. i just read through it and. it was nice to see my feelings on paper, nice to step back and look at it.

nice to l.a.u.g.h about it. to feel a thousand times better. to just breathe, to define this. to laugh to laugh to laugh. to realize it.s not just me.

and i.m so excited. i am going to be so much stronger because of this.

//////////today just got so much better.

archive. profile. notes. random.