bright eyes

10.31.02back& forth
------------------------------------- been singing haligh haligh a lie halight a lot, just singing to myself, to whoever is there. got friends that invite me to go trick or treating, and make up costumes with me, and tell me their secrets and listen to mine. and this boy that i.m friends with, we laugh in lyrics and sit on the sidewalk because candy.s not that great and run all the way home.

driving by your house is bad for me, and dialing your number is worse, and you not being home is sharp and good for me. reality. it.s good to talk about you and just be able to laugh and say, man, what a fucking asshole! and try not to feel what it feels to see you touching her always. and not feel that. not feel it at all, just singing along loud to the busdrivers, track eight, that she gave me to listen to. cause going to the show, cause friends are good like that.

cause me and this boy that i.m friends with. in the same boat and we laugh with we laugh in lyrics and sit on the sidewalk because candy.s not that great and run all the way home.

archive. profile. notes. random.