dear sine curves,

01.09.03back& forth

this mostly. makes the days spin jaws set when you walk by.// he holds onto her because he.s got nothing left to say and the stone cold slate counter marbled and mixed, hits this girl.s jaw like a kiss and it.s just that [you said it, it] more often than not, you make me wish i didn't love you."

did i also mention, that college admissions directors flocked around my sweatshirt today, puzzled. it was lovely and icy and college is going to be wonderful. what a lovely thought. i.m going to keep it in the palm of my hand or the hollows in my cheeks. i.ll check your balance and you.ll borrow my bottom dollar, but we.ll forget about the rest of this mess we made, running each other over with a silent standstill, talking about religion and the world and absolutely everything we are / not feeling, with ours mouths shut except for the smiles creeping escaping the trees are a better frame for your face, dear. stay in the sunshine. oh but dear, the shade is much too cold these days. // oh but blue and grey stripes and figure eights and silver gracing your cold silhoutte.

it.s worth all the .this. that keeps me from writing ./// but really is pushing me towards it.


the way we amplified the sound

archive. profile. notes. random.