
01.11.03back& forth
------------------------------------- laughing hysterically because it.s sold out a-g-a-i-n and sitting with coffee outside and i love the greens within the city walls, how maybe they.ll crumble with our cake. tells me, "see, this is the kind of thing i love to do. just relax and hang out."

then driving home to watch tv shows and laughing laughing --- saturday nights reading AP government books.... or... not. but we pretend.

i can tell she hates the show but still looks at me and says the best is the kind of friend where it doesn.t matter what doing, you still have fun. and it was so nice, not awkward at all, and we both laughed and nodded our heads and settled back into the couch to watch cnn or mtv or the shows that tells you what's playing, understanding.

archive. profile. notes. random.