
01.30.03back& forth

boy: hey

me: hey

me: i.m glad you called.

boy: me too

boy wants to send file 101-exceeding-love.mp3: A new song, I like

me: sweet

x received C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy Documentsdownloadme101-exceeding-love.mp3 but it doesn't agree with original.

me: oh i like it. its a nice song to close one.s eyes to and think of other times and places //.

boy: mmmm

boy: indeed

x wants to send file C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy MusicArtistAlbumArtist - Track 04.mp3: my turn///

me: : this thing is going to log me off ;x ;x ;x

me: ok--hope it goes through before//

boy: hopeso

boy received C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy MusicArtistAlbumArtist - Track 04.mp3.

me: the moonsky.s gorgeous. .night.

boy: night

archive. profile. notes. random.