it.s one of .those. sundays

02.23.03back& forth

i can.t stop crying and sighing and shaking. i went outside and sat in the sun, swung on the hammock and closed my eyes and as i write the tears are pouring. i hate people who yell at me when i don.t understand, and i don.t understand these complicated problems with a b c d e f g h i things for me to do. missed more than a week of school, scattered over a couple weeks (sickness, snowed in...which i will type up) and i have four tests on tuesday: in class writing on british poetry from the 1600-1700s, calculus test on derivatives (my favorite), ap gov test on the presidency, ap chemistry test on equilibrium and acids and bases. i also have to make up an ap chemistry exam on kinetics and thermodynamics. as well as write essays for programs this summer and SAT practice. and 4 hour waterpolo practices daily. fun!

i can.t stand this. i am scared of what is coming and i want for the things i don't have, cannot stand this, to be one of many. i.m not what they are.

i want to curl into summer memories and writing and being with him, and forget all this mess. (forget it all, just like before.)

archive. profile. notes. random.