talking, talking

11.28.03back& forth

you said shit it's good to see you

and i could hear the lyrics in you

the future is no place

to place

our better days,

i said in response

to your eyes ringing

empty phonecalls

those old promises


and i could taste the thinking

from your arms to your head

thinking of decisions not

what to have for dinner

but how a meal once tasted

a spicy dish

well distance is too much like a headache

and who do you think you are,

well you don't even know


and i could feel your hands

in that small place on me

warm warm warm

full from dinner and alliterations

thinking in french phrases to say

i do not know, i do not know


and i could smell that sight

of me, pillows, laughter

in your brain, those words

"i love you but i don't want to fuck you"

my poetry sets your thoughts like silverware

world's on fire i said


i still love you


archive. profile. notes. random.