something vague that we're not saying

01.24.04back& forth

music moves in waves

and our heads bow at the song

fingers snap and finger break

and fingers find hollow notches

in my spine,

cold eyes of a fish

warm hands of a bear

sitting together in an

unconcious poetric stream

catching the day's divinity

it's all we can see, today

nights fall into my lap

as he follows me around the kitchen

watching me move,dancedance sway

shaking hips, laughing

til we're dizzy stupid with the songs

swing through glass and gold

retreat to backyard hammocks,

feel the sound of shivering


then the mornings open

and the music pours itself

out like tea,,

the sunshine tugs at my eyelids

and i wake up and dance in the

cold room

can you feel me? it says

can you feel me? i say back

we dance,

we eat ice cream

we fall into pools of eyes

and wake up gasping.

please don't tell me you

take my breath away,

i take your breath away.

we fall deep than cliches

with the resounding clash

of metal aand human bodies--

this has become an uncertain death

where phrases slip from fingertips

hollow, vague, unchartered.

take me to the mapmaker.

oh, take me back to the start.

[its about. falling in love.

it's about. hating it.

it's about. seeing his picture.

it's about. remembering,

and forgetting.

it's about. still wanting that voice.

it's about. moving and shaking

it's about. getting what i need]

waking up again to foreign cars

and warm arms and everything ok

forever and ever amen.

archive. profile. notes. random.