navigate this body of wonder and uncertainty

03.22.04back& forth

i like it here, wrapped in your arms. tongue feeling for teeth. i curl and curve and think about how cities will tear us apart. i'm waiting, i said. and we sprawled out on the bricks listening to the water fall. i love this sound, he says. we talk about free will and he simplifies the universe to one rock falling. i don't buy it. but we turn it over to laughter and kisses and he holds my face in his hands and just.

it's one of those moments like when we're laying in his bed wrapped up in arms and we fall asleep like that, curled up in each other. it's the feeling when i'm in the house with stone floors and wooden chairs and air like panama with memories seeping in under the doorframes, and we're all leaning back and the air is cold and i'm listening to it singing outside, and cards are dealt and it's party poker and he makes me tea with milk and i get my favorite soft, heavy blanket and i sink into the atmosphere. curled up, warm, sinking softly.

in other breaking news, the fourth quarter of my second semester of my last year of highschool has begun. this means i am almost done! insane. i'm very excited about college. in other breaking news, i can go anywhere in the world this summer. i want to do something fun &interesting. italy? panama? who knows. suggestions?

oh, the places we'll go! ♥

archive. profile. notes. random.